Вот список самых дорогих ключевых слов на данный момент.
Это цена , за которую платит Google Adsense - за клик по рекламному объявлению.
Стоимость ключевых слов динамична, и поэтому на завтра цена этих же ключевых слов может измениться.
Ключевые слова - Стоимость клика
tescos motor insurance - $43.34
term life quo - $58.40
term life insurance quotes -$53.39
term life insurance -$48.04
term life ins -$51.77
term insurance quotes -$51.96
student loan consolidations -$49.76
student loan consolidation -$55.15
refinancing home -$46.93
peritoneal mesothelioma -$69.27
peritoneal mesothelioma -$49.74
ohio lemon law -$42.73
miami dui lawyer -$53.15
mesothelioma symptoms -$44.65
mesothelioma lawyers -$56.01
malignant pleural mesothelioma- $45.84
life insurance term- $47.89
life insurance rates -$45.35
life insurance quotes -$55.72
kwik fit insurance -$60.80
kwik fit car insuranc- $72.96
indiana lemon law -$58.21
home refinancing -$45
home equity rate -$45.34
home equity loan rates -$57.26
home equity loan -$46.44
home equity line of credit- $52.30
home equity line credit -$54.90
home equity -$50.20
florida dui lawyer -$44.19
federal loan consolidation -$60.04
equity loan rates -$56.98
equity line of credit- $54.17
equity line -$49.79
e loan mortgage -$46.15
donating cars -$45.96
donate your car- $43.45
donate car -$52.57
debt consolidation loan -$50.95
consolidating student loans -$46.48
consolidate student loans -$44.30
consolidate loan student -$43.36
conference calling services -$50.51
conference calling service -$43.09
conference calling -$48.95
conference call services -$73.42
columbus travel insurance -$44.65
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auto insurance quotes - $48.93
alicante car hire- $42.67